Serving You Well, So You Can Serve Others
Whether your organization is a foundation or a social service, you have a strong interest in serving the communities where you live, work and play. Our non profit team considers it a true honor to partner with many Southern California non profit organizations. Our experience gives us a unique perspective of various causes and missions and we know first-hand, each mission is just as unique as the compliance and accounting issues they face.
Today, competition for charitable donations is at an all-time high. Tight budgets combined with fewer volunteers have most nonprofits struggling to keep up with the continually increasing red tape and bureaucracy of securing public and private funding. At Tipping & Company, we understand these challenges and can help you make the most of every dollar, having served on numerous boards of directors. We offer continuity of service and support to nonprofits with everything from minimizing inefficiencies — to staying up-to-date on changing regulations. Strong financial management gives nonprofit organization the freedom to fulfill your mission – and the fulfillment of our mission should not be derailed by regulations.